How To Achieve Your Dreams.

According to the dictionary, a dream is a series of thought,images and sensation occuring in a person's mind during sleep.It can also mean a cherished aspiration, ambition or idea.It is a vision created in the imagination.Dreams have been a topic of discussion from scientific, philosophical and religious interest.Dream interpretation right from the Babylonian empire and the ancient Sumerians have featured predominantly in religious text and several traditions.The scientific study of dream is called oneirology.

We all dream at one particular time or the other.To dream is good and should not been a source of fear.Not all dreams are frightening.Sometimes,dreams tend to be an eye opener that some things needed to be done for us to accomplish certain goals and objectives.A man without a dream is like a man without focus, belief, direction and purpose.Dreams create wealth.Dreams create opportunity in life.If you have not been dreaming,now is the time.Your dream will determine what the future will look like.When we accomplish our dreams,it become a reality.

The question I will ask you is,even though you have started dreaming,how big or small is your dreams.It is not enough to dream small.Small dreams bring small accomplishment.Big dreams bring big accomplishment .Therefore, your dreams should be big enough to accomplish something worthwhile in life.Stop dreaming small.It is only a big dreams that can give you that desired results.Start something today no matter how small it is.Afterall, Rome was not built in a day.I hope you decipher my message.A little drop of water makes a mighty ocean.

These basic fundamentals are indispensable in accomplishing your goals and dreams in life.The following will help in your quest for accomplishment.
- You need to define what your dream is.It is important to define the kind of dream you have in order to pursue it.The definition of your dreàm will create the purpose of your dream.
- You need to write down your dreams.In most cases, people forget their goals.But when you write it down ,it creates a guideline you will never forget.
- You need to stay focused and determined to realize your dreams.Avoid the distractions that are very unhealthy.
- Patience is a virtue when building your dreams.The size of your dream will determine how long you can accomplish it.You need to stay focus and determined.Afterall, the journey of a thousand miles starts one day.No matter how long,you will get there someday.
- To build your dream, you need to start somewhere.The moment you have the momentum,you need to start nursing it.Proactiveness is paramount.Avoid procrastination.It will only delay you from accomplishing your goals and objectives.Start now.Your dreams will not work except you focus on those potentials you have and not those limitations around you.Remember always that your dreams are not limited except the limitations you place on them.Catch your dreams.

Achieving your dreams may not be bed of roses or easy ride.There are limitations but you must overcome them.However,you can achieve them through the following ways
1. You must be focused.
2. Avoid distractions.
3. Visualize your dreams.
4. Accept constructive criticism.It will bring out the best in you.
5. Avoid toxic people.
6. Make a plan.
7. Review your progress.
8. Stay motivated at all time.Be the man.
9. Never give up on your dreams.
10. Engage people with positive mindset.
11. Avoid procrastination.
12. Be confident all time.
13.Pay the price.No pain no gain.
14. Set your goals.
15. Believe in yourself.
16. Make a move.


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